Chocolate Pairing
Chocolate combines perfectly with products as wine, beer, coffee, tea, rum, cheese, and whiskey!PAIRING CHOCOLATE WITH WINE, BEER, COFFEE OR OTHER PRODUCTS
Chocolate combines perfectly with products such as wine, beer, coffee, tea, rum, cheese, and whiskey! The pairings start with a museum tour including a cup of cacao tea, followed by tasting with all your senses and painting of the flavors of three high quality bean to bar chocolate bars. Subsequently, together with participants, we look for at least three interesting combinations of chocolate with another product. We offer this activity in the Cacaomuseum, but we can also conduct the workshop elsewhere. Perfect for a company outing or gatherings with family and friends.
per person €35

Come on In
Entrance is Free!
1000 -1800
Czaar Peterstraat 175
+31 (0) 612 797 707